Tuesday, October 27, 2009

       After his father's death,

28 years old Philip Eastwick

returns from university to

look after the family estate.

     One day he learns of the demise 

of  his father’s friend and a relative 

Lord Sebastian.

        After the funeral he asks the 

daughter Alice, now a young lady, 

to come and live with them 

on their estate.

     Alice, now orphaned, Accepts his invitation.

        On her arrival she meets young Henry another cousin.

They become good friends.

    Henry, having finished high school 

plans to go to the university next year.

Henry is an extraordinary boy and

a prodigy.

Philip employs Atkins 

a retired professor to teach

Alice and Henry.

Although a dogmatic believer in science,

 Atkins is often defensive before

 Henry’s radical insights and his 

belief in mysteries of nature.

 Henry argues that Nature is 

full of mysteries, still beyond the 

reach of science and  One must 


accept natural phenomena

without skepticism.

    He says and  in order to 

understand nature,one has 

to be in complete empathy  with it rather than confront 

it and nature chooses its own moments of revelation for the 

one who has faith and belief in its existence.

   Alice finds Henry's words
illuminating and sees new 

worlds opening up 

before her.

      Alice, Henry and Philip 

go out riding together to explore the peacock forest.

            They sing, dance, play

the piano and are exhilarated 

in each other's company.

           Alice with the help of Henry 

also befriend the small mysterious 

town folk.

    Along with their new little friends,

Alice and Henry begin to explore the

magical ‘peacock forest’.

     Alice gets to know many interesting 

tales  about the forest, which is also known 

as lover’s paradise.

 Henry tells Alice that 

the forest reveals 

itself only to a 

fortunate few and it 

has its own rules.

           To everyone’s pleasant surprise the peacock forest 

takes a  liking to Alice and starts revealing wonderful things 

in her presence. 

  They find like the forest, Alice is also magical.

          Philip's mother Lucia tells him that it is  time he should 

be  getting  married but Philip is wary of the 'society' girls 


Lucia suggests that Alice would make a good wife.

   One day, Philip is 

visited by his old 

friends, A poet and a 


    Having heard 

interesting tales 

about the forest, they decide to have a picnic there.

               While partying, they come across Samuel, a local 

town boy nicknamed Cacofonix.

   The boy’s passion for playing

the violin was great, but he was

never any good at it.

    One day, Cacofonix leaves 

home  and nobody has heard 

of him since then.

       Now suddenly a changed Cacofonix appears at the 

party  and to everybody’s surprise Samuel plays lovely music 

on the violin.

They all talk about the mysterious

 nature of the forest.

 Philip, who considers himself 

 a realist, says that he does not 

believe in such things.

        He declares that the tales 

 about the peacock forest are 

all made up and that there is no truth in them.

         The party suddenly gets animated with the poet sighting 

golden peacock.

Except Alice and Henry no one seems to have seen it.

       The poet explains that it is because none of them 

believes in it.

 They all discuss this.

   One day, in town, Henry 

and  Alice meet Edward, 

son of  their Driver.

        Edward tells them about 

his trip on the  Celestial 

omnibus (a celestial vehicle, which has always a vacant seat 


       There he sees the local 

postman who was behaving 


        He tells them about the 

post man, who wanted to get 

down half way through as 

he suddenly remembered his 

young wife who is long dead.

         It was rumored among the town folks that he was 

 suspicious of his young wife and her death is still a

mystery to the town folks.

          Later, from the townsfolk, Henry and Alice learn of 

 the death of the postman, who had died in his sleep 

of a heart attack.

            Philip proposes to Alice and 

decides to gift the peacock forest to

 her on the day of their engagement.

But he first wants to put a fence 

around  the forest.

          When Alice and Henry find 

out, they protest. Alice argues that

the peacock forest is nature’s gift 

to everyone, should not be fenced.

         Philip tells them that they have no knowledge of

business matters.

Alice disagrees saying 

that since the forest is 

his gift to her

she would like it to belong 

to everyone.

To her displeasure Philip goes ahead

with the fencing.

      On the day of their engagement,

Philip discovers that Alice is missing.

They look all over the town but fail 

 find her.


Only Henry and his little friends

know that Alice has become 

another mystery of 

the peacock forest.


                              *        *        *        *        *

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